Q3 Academy Langley

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Character Education

Q3 Langley was awarded the ‘Character Education Kitemark’ for its excellent work to develop students’ character.

TheSchool of Character accreditation is awarded by the Association for Character Education to schools that take an explicit, planned and reflective approach to the cultivation of positive character qualities in their pupils, in the interest of creating well-rounded individuals.

At Q3 Academy Langley, our aspiration is for all of our students to leave the Academy with practical wisdom gained through the teaching of intellectual, moral, civic and performance virtues. We build character both explicitly and implicitly, through our curriculum, teaching and learning in the classroom as well as our Tutor Time Programme and Family Lunch. We aim to guide our students in becoming well-rounded citizens of the future who can lead with honesty, integrity and resilience.

Our Academy ethos to ‘seek for that which is good, right and true’ encourages our students to build on their character during their time at the Academy. This thereby improves the school and wider community and sets our students on a path that will enable them to make positive changes in theirs and others lives. We are very proud of our students, even more so given the strength of character that they have displayed following the global pandemic.

Our broad curriculum ensures that students engage with PLT skills in every lesson and are able to recognise how these affect their life decisions beyond their education at Q3 Academy Langley. Students learn how to work independently; how to work as a team; build confidence; become resilient by overcoming barriers and hardship; and develop independence to confidently access the wider world. As a result, through perseverance and determination, students will flourish as individuals to be successful in pursuing a career or apprenticeship of their choice. Through these skills, students will be motivated to serve as future leaders and role models in both local and global communities.