Q3 Academy Langley

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Cashless Payment System – ParentPay

Meal purchases will be automatically deducted from a student’s account on a daily basis.  In case of absence, the record will be corrected on a daily basis by the Langley administration team.  If the balance has not been credited within two working days, please contact the Academy.

It is your responsibility to ensure that your child has sufficient credit to spend on meals.  The ParentPay system should send you a notification when your balance reaches a certain level.  The Academy will also check these balances daily and any account with insufficient balance for the day will receive a telephone call as a reminder.  If payment is not forthcoming, then meal provision may cease.

Go to ParentPay 


Q3 Academy Langley uses the ParentPay system in order to allow you to avoid sending you child into the Academy with cash for Family Lunch purchases.

This system allows you as a parent or guardian to log into the ParentPay website and securely load your child’s account with money to spend.

The system saves your child from bringing in coins and notes and having to queue to load the money onto their card using our cash loaders.

The Academy also allows trip payments to be made via ParentPay, again avoiding sending your child into school with large amounts of cash or cheques and instantly providing you with confirmation of your payment.

ParentPay accounts can be topped-up using one of two methods (and you can use a combination of both if you prefer):

  1. Online using your credit or debit card.
  2. Via PayPoint terminal (available in most newsagents and supermarkets). N.B. You must contact the Academy to order a PayPoint card.
    • You will need one card per child.
    • Cards will be charged at £1.80 each.

For any queries or further details of the ParentPay system, please contact the Academy.