Enrichment and PE
At Q3 Langley, students will follow a rich and diverse programme of sport and Enrichment activities. Students in Years 7 and 8 will experience P.E and Enrichment from 12-3pm every Wednesday.
Physical Education lessons will be taught by qualified P.E specialists, with each pupil learning and participating in 3 or 4 sports.
Sports covered in P.E lessons
We deliver a concept based curriculum that focuses on a Head, Heart and Hands model so that students can improve their tactical, analytical and sport specific skills alongside key sporting values. These include:
- Invasion games - football, netball, basketball and emerging sports such as handball in Key Stage 4
- Striking and net games - cricket and badminton
- Athletics - indoor and outdoor athletic events
- Aesthetics - trampolining and dance in Key Stage 3
- Outdoor and adventurous activities - orienteering and problem solving
- Health related fitness
During Enrichment hours, we have collaborated with a variety of different companies and agencies to further enhance Q3 Langley student experiences. These offer diverse and varied opportunities to develop our students’ pursuit of Excellence. Please note that activities may be subject to change each week.