Q3 Academy Langley

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E-Safety for Students

At Q3 Academy Langley, we aim to provide students with a safe learning environment to create foundations in which they can develop their knowledge and skills in using ICT systems to become perceptive and safe users.

Staying Safe Online

The use of technology has become a significant component of many safeguarding issues. Child sexual exploitation; radicalisation; sexual predation: technology often provides the platform that facilitates harm.

The breadth of issues classified within online safety is considerable, but can be categorised into three areas of risk:

  • Content: being exposed to illegal, inappropriate or harmful material;
  • Contact: being subjected to harmful online interaction with other users;
  • Conduct: personal online behaviour that increases the likelihood of, or causes, harm;
  • Commerce: risks such as online gambling, inappropriate advertising, phishing and or financial scams.

Tips to stay safe online:

  • Don’t post personal information online such as address, telephone number
  • Think carefully before posting comments, images or videos online – even if you remove it, it could have been copied
  • Check your privacy settings on social media sites
  • Do you know who you are talking to? Many people online impersonate
  • Don’t speak to people that you don’t know
  • Don’t arrange to meet strangers
  • If you are the victim of abusive texts, emails, photos etc., then tell a parent/carer/teacher
  • If you see something that you don’t feel comfortable with, either leave the website or tell a parent/carer/teacher
  • Know what is spam and what is real

Reporting Incidents

E-Safety is really important to us, both inside and outside of the Academy as it affects practically everything we do in our everyday lives. Of course, it is difficult for us to control anything outside of the Academy. However, we aspire to provide a safe environment within the Academy and should any e-safety concerns arise that could affect the Academy life of a student, we will do all we can to provide a solution.


  • If you come across material that you don’t like on the internet, the easiest thing to do is to leave the website.
  • If you are a victim of cyberbullying, see any incidents of cyberbullying, or suspect that it is happening, then tell a parent, carer or member of staff immediately.

For advice on staying safe online, the following links may be of some help:

CEOP – the child exploitation and online protection agency – is an online service aimed to protect children from harm, offline and online. If you feel someone has acted inappropriately towards you or a person you know, you can report it to CEOP below. The CEOP centre is staffed by specialist police and investigative officers who will follow up your report.