Q3 Academy Langley

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Ethos & Values

Q3 Academy Langley is registered as a school with Christian religious character. The ethos of the school is built upon the heritage of the Christian faith. The values of the Christian faith underpin the ethos and help the development of a sense of identity, self-worth, meaning and purpose.

The Mercian Trust – Our Mission

The Mercian Trust is a group of schools working together under a common banner and an over-arching structure of governance, but retaining their autonomy as custodians of their unique heritage, distinct identity and successful operation. Our Trust’s name is both rooted in history and expresses a geographical identity and ambition. Mercia was an ancient kingdom comprising Cheshire, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Staffordshire, Worcestershire and, crucially for us, what we now call the Black Country.

It was in Mercia that St Chad established an association of small monasteries which fostered unity through bonds of kinship. We intend, a thousand years later, to adopt the same spirit in our approach to a Multi-Academy Trust. Pupils in the Mercian Trust will be part of a family of schools forming an educational community. We are convinced that we are stronger together. The MAT is already shaping the educational landscape in exciting ways; every pupil in the Trust will be part of that story.

Our mission is to provide the best education and life chances for the children and young people of Sandwell and Walsall.

The Mercian Trust brings together different schools catering for a wide range of individual needs into one Multi-Academy Trust in order to offer the broadest and best education to all pupils regardless of their socio-economic, cultural or ethnic background. Leveraging the strengths of the participating schools, Mercian Trust pupils will be able to access the advantages and opportunities that each school brings – in teaching, leadership, breadth of curriculum, facilities, enrichment activities and community engagement.

Our Vision for Learning

Our vision for learning is based around the whole child, ensuring no child is left behind. Our unique, innovative and exciting curriculum in Year 7 provides an excellent transition from Primary School. This enables pupils from all starting points to make rapid progress and also enjoy their learning whilst improving their literacy skills.

What happens at Key Stage Three plays a crucial part in a child’s educational journey – and this is something that is quite often overlooked at secondary schools or academies. Due to the fact we are growing from a small cohort of approximately 150 in the first year and now 650 from September 2018 our sole focus will be on ensuring happy, safe, confident, articulate students who in turn secure maximum progress in all their subject areas.

Students will be taught in mixed-attainment classes for their Core lessons. These follow the English Baccalaureate suite of subjects – English, mathematics, science, modern foreign languages, geography and history. Outside of the Core subjects students follow a carousel of teaching in the Horizon or Innov8 curriculum. This broad and balanced curriculum focuses on developing knowledge and skills in computing, business, design, religious studies, PSHE, art, dance, drama and music.

Furthermore, our Wednesday afternoon offer of either physical education or enrichment will ensure all students take an active part in developing skills and talents they may not know existed before!

British Values

Within The Trust we are proud that our ethnically and culturally diverse community is fully represented by the students and staff at each Academy. The Q3 ethos; ‘to seek that which is good, that which is right and that which is true,’ fully embraces the fundamental British Values of democracy; the rule of law; individual liberty; mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs.

These values, supported by our strong ethos, are embedded in our day-to-day practice and the relationships between all members of our school community. Additional activities that further promote British Values include:

  • Tutor time and assemblies throughout the day;
  • Student Voice activities;
  • Personal, Social, Citizenship and Health Education programmes;
  • Religious Education lessons;
  • International activities such as the CCD Rainbow House initiative (annual visit by Q3 students and staff spending a week working with children in the orphanage);
  • Classroom debates;
  • After school clubs;
  • Charity work;
  • Sporting events;
  • Educational visits and other Learning outside the Classroom;
  • Academy Council;
  • Pillars of Excellence;
  • Student responsibility posts including; Junior Executive Team (JETS) and Prefects.

We use strategies within the curriculum and beyond to ensure these values are communicated and acted upon.

At the Academy our spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) education permeates through the curriculum, supports the development of the ‘whole child’ and includes the teaching and development of British Values.

The Academy seeks to continuously review and evaluate its work by gaining external accreditation. The successful completion of the awards listed below demonstrates that SMSC and British Values are incorporated into the daily life of the Academy:

  • Discovering Democracy Award for promoting youth participation and democracy in schools
  • Duke of Edinburgh Award
  • Army Cadet Force
  • Sandwell Shape Awards